Herbal Medicine

Plants have been used in medicine throughout most of human history. Using herbal medicine (plants, stems, leaves, roots and minerals) we create herbal formulas based on your individual constitution to address your specific condition. Each herb has a specific organ that it enters, temperature and taste. These herbal formulas are a great alternative to western pharmaceuticals because they strengthen your system while healing the imbalance. An example would be to take a specific dose of Berberine and Lipoic acid to help with blood sugar regulation, instead of taking the pharmaceutical, Metformin. Lipoic acid regulates blood sugar by repairing insulin receptors! Another example would be to take an formula for circulation if you have an autoimmune condition called Reynauds where your hands and feet become uncomfortably cold and painful. Each formula is customized to your unique constitution. By taking the herbal route you will bypass the side effects of the pharmaceutical drugs and the risk of being put on other pharmaceuticals to counteract the side effects of the initial medication. We also create customized herbal formulas for autoimmune diseases, lack of energy, fertility, gynecological issues, libido, menopause symptoms, and many others.

At Root & Branch Wellness, you will receive a customized formula at your first visit( if appropriate) or you can choose to do a herbal consult separately.

East Asian Medicine