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Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine (FM) is a lab based diagnosis that integrates the science of Western medicine with Eastern philosophy. Instead of focusing on giving medicine to quiet the symptoms of disease, we will do a deep dive to find out where the root of the issue lies for true healing. FM labs look upstream at the biochemical pathways to see where the disharmony is taking place. We will explore your liver detox pathways, your neuroendocrine (Adrenal) function, and your GI system to see a full blueprint of how your body is functioning to get to know you inside and out.

Functional Medicine uses professional grade supplements to get you feeling better and back to your optimal self but lifestyle factors are of equal importance. At Root and Branch Wellness, you will be coached on lifestyle factors and pillars of health that include customized nutrition plans based on your biochemistry, exercise programs that are right for you, sleep habits, along with care of the mind and stress management. With this information we will create a comprehensive plan structured around your goals in order for you to achieve full potential and optimal wellness.

Conditions that we treat

  • Adrenal Fatigue

  • Anxiety/Depression

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Gut Health

  • Ulcerative Colitis

  • IBD

  • Liver Detox

  • Fertility

  • Fatigue

  • Food Sensitivities

  • Hormone Balance

  • Reproductive Health

  • Menopause

  • Menstrual disorders

  • Chronic UTIs

  • Yeast Infections

  • Heavy Metal Detoxification

The way it works

  • Initial comprehensive intake to review health concerns and goals

  • Lab tests depending on which organ systems we will be addressing

  • Lifestyle coaching and supplement protocol

  • Follow up appointments to modify treatment plan and check in on progress.