
Acupuncture originated in China about 3,500 years ago, making it one of the oldest and most commonly used systems of healing in the world. This treatment consists of inserting very thin, sterile, single-use needles into specific points on your skin following meridians, or fascial planes to cue your body's innate ability to restore balance, lower inflammation and promote healing. The needles stimulate the central nervous system, or brain, in order to switch us out of a state of fight or flight or stress response, to our relaxed nervous system, (parasympathetic) where we can rest, digest and heal. By utilizing a tongue and pulse diagnosis we determine each patient’s individual needs to create a customized plan to get to the root of the symptom. The only thing you have to lose is stress and pain.

For pain management, we incorporate acupuncture along with Active Release Therapy and other forms of manual therapy to heal the patient using an integrated approach. Trigger point acupuncture is highly effective for releasing muscles that are causing aggravation to nearby joints. Trigger point acupuncture involves inserting the acupuncture needle into a certain location and manipulating it to elicit a “twitch response.” This contraction of the muscle triggers a release of the energy stored within the muscle cells so that the muscle fibers realign, range of motion is increased and pain is decreased.

  • Decreases Pain

  • Quiets Inflammation

  • Improves Circulation

  • Promotes Healing

  • Reverses Neuropathy

  • Balances Hormones

  • Helps Suppress Autoimmune Disease

  • Balances Nervous System for Stress Management

We will create a customized treatment plan for you during our 30-40 minute initial consult which can be done virtually or in office. We will go over your health history in depth and follow the intake with a 30-40 minute acupuncture treatment. Upon leaving your first treatment, you will have a clear plan laid out which will consist of how many sessions you will have at Root & Branch Wellness, a customized herbal formula or supplement regime (if appropriate) and nutritional and lifestyle coaching advice. Our goal is to be realistic and transparent to maximize our time and success working together so that you feel empowered to heal from the inside out.

East Asian Medicine