

Price: $300
Test Type: Urine & Blood

Tests 46 markers to evaluate metabolism, cell energy production, neurotransmitters, and detoxification processes.

Click here for link to Metabolomix test.

Test Instructions

  • Do not worry about the ‘practitioner signature’ part being blank

  • Your urine needs to be concentrated so that we can collect the metabolites in your urine for a thorough analysis. In order for your urine to not be overly diluted you will need to restrict your fluid intake to 24 ounces the day before you take your sample. Fluid is anything you drink, not solely water.

  • Since this test is looking at morning urine, you will need to pee before you go to bed so that you aren’t collecting this urine in your morning sample. Place a clean viral next to your toilet, If you wake up to pee in the middle of the night, save this urine and mix it with your first morning urine.

  • Place the sample in the freezer as soon as it is collected, where it will remain until FedEx can take it.

  • Please ship the urine the evening that you collect it. (if you collected the sample Monday morning, you should ship it Monday evening).

  • Because this sample will be shipped overnight, only collect your sample Monday-Friday (and if you collect Friday morning, you MUST ship Friday evening).