
In my 8 years of practice as an Eastern Medicine practitioner, I started to see that there was a missing piece when addressing fertility. While Chinese medicine has done wonders for thousands of years to enhance fertility, there was a small percentage of women that were not responding the way I would have liked or as fast as I would have liked. Our current environment houses more toxins and endocrine disruptors than ever before and stress levels in modern day living are at an all time high. I realized a more integrated yet natural approach was needed for healthy conception and that combining Eastern Medicine with Functional Medicine was the key. After taking an intensive course study and mentorship in functional medicine, I began to combine my background in biochemistry and hormone balancing with Eastern philosophy and acupuncture to create a truly complimentary fertility approach.

With specific functional medicine tests we are able to see the way the liver is digesting and detoxing estrogen levels and by tracking hormonal levels and rhythms throughout the month, we can see if there is a timing issue or a production issue. We might need to pick certain days to supplement progesterone or estrogen to correct ovulatory timing or we might need to boost hormone production. Boosting production of progesterone will guarantee that the uterine lining is being secured to negate the possibility of a miscarriage. A small dip in progesterone on day 17-18 of your cycle, for example, could make all the difference in being able to create a family. At Root & Branch Wellness we see higher rates of conceiving healthy babies when combining Functional medicine with Eastern medicine then when patients decide to use one or the other alone.

*Please jump to my article on IVF and ART.

Male Factor Infertility


Women’s Health